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Brick Warehouse Masonry Restoration and Repointing

Near Frederick, Maryland

Exterior work included rebuilding, repairing, and re-pointing the brick walls and stone foundation using traditional lime based mortar. The masonry was surfaced cleaned to halt deterioration with low-pressure water and soft bristle brushes.  We also selectively hand cleaned deteriorated joints and re-pointed to match existing to reflect the original texture, craftsmanship, style.  Salvaged soft brick was used where appropriate to supplement the many missing or deteriorated bricks.

Visit our page on Historc Preservation for more views of this project.

Click on images below to view at larger size.

Masonry Repairs of Brick Warehouse Before Repairs (Photo Courtesy of Fitzgerald's Heavy Timber Construction, Inc., 2008).

Masonry Repairs of Brick Warehouse Before Repairs (Photo Courtesy of Fitzgerald's Heavy Timber Construction, Inc., 2008).
Masonry Repairs of Brick Warehouse During Repairs (Photo Courtesy of Fitzgerald's Heavy Timber Construction, Inc., 2008).

Masonry Repairs of Brick Warehouse During Repairs (Photo Courtesy of Fitzgerald's Heavy Timber Construction, Inc., 2008).
Careful Repointing With Soft Lime Mortar

Careful Repointing With Soft Lime Mortar
Fresh Mortar Indicates Where Selective Repairs Have Been Completed

Fresh Mortar Indicates Where Selective Repairs Have Been Completed